By Joan Boiko, Communications & Community Outreach Manager, Palm Springs Unified School District

It was a morning full of education, exploration and exchange for a group of about 400 educators, students, parents and community members who attended Palm Springs Unified School District’s (PSUSD) third annual Diversity and Racial Equity Conference.  

Themed “Allyship and Beyond,” The September 7 event kicked off with breakfast, followed by a two-student moderated panel of seven students representing each of PSUSD’s high schools discussing various topics including equity among all races and cultures on campuses and how it can be improved.  

Following the panel discussion, keynote speaker Dominic Smith, Ph.D. led an empowering session on creating school cultures that honor students and build their confidence and competence. Attendees left Smith’s session feeling inspired, motivated, and moved to elevate what all of us are doing to help our students thrive.  

The first breakout sessions were led by PSUSD Conscious Education Trainers and Site Equity Leads and focused on defining and discussing allyship and challenging attendees to go beyond allyship by not only supporting marginalized peers and colleagues who are suffering the effects from discrimination, bullying and or exclusion but also taking proactive approaches to do something positive to make things better. 

 The final morning breakout sessions gave participants a choice of dynamic presentations on topics including Creating Comunidad between School and Latino Students, Interrupting Implicit Bias, Equitable Practices in the Classroom, Elevating African American Students. White Allyship, and Supporting LGBTQ Students and Families. 

Between sessions, attendees had the opportunity to visit resource tables hosted by many community partners focused on improving the lives of children and building positive bridges. All were also invited to add their thumbprints to the Tree of Diversity now hanging in PSUSD’s Educational Services Department.  

For more information about palm springs unified school district visit their website at 

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